Many have asked where I find the time to blog daily. My secret is my telephone and all those small groupings of minutes which we commonly waste because they are too short a time with which to do anything productive.
I once wrote about Smartphones in an earlier blog published October 20, 2010.
For me, my phone is indispensable in my writing. When I have five or ten minutes from “the daily grind,” I can pop out a couple of sentences or ’graphs or two while waiting anywhere. In other words, waiting for a meeting or doctor’s appointment is no longer wasted time.
As my day progresses and I take advantage of those previously “lost” minutes, by the end of the day, I have a blog. As I finish the day, now the real work will begin.
First, I transfer the document from my phone to the computer. Then comes the first edit.
Editing is a royal pain, but not nearly as painful as seeing an editorial mistake in the final product. So, it begins with the first edit and then the second edit follows.
After the second edit is finished, it is time to put it in the WordPress software. This then leads to the third edit. Finally, it is time to throw in the artwork if art is planned which, of course, leads to the fourth edit – to take one last look at the wordsmithing and make certain the art fits.
The hardest part of writing is not the writing per se, it is the editing which follows, to make certain the writing is perfect. Which, of course, it is not.
It is always good to have someone proof your work before pressing the ‘‘publish” button, but sometimes no one is available. This is why it is important to take a break from the work in order to approach the editorial work with a fresh eye and new perspective.
Once you have edited the piece one more time, to find and correct those last couple of errors, or change a word to something more appropriate, you can sit back, push the publish button. Then you can take great pride in a new post. A perfect post.
A post in your heart you no has know mistakes.
© J. Clark 2010
Love your last line! Hope you are all keeping warm in Florida. I could still find some mittens to send your way.
Thanks! I thought the last line was a bazinga! (To quote Sheldon…) One of my students read it and realized the irony of the last sentence about five minutes later. It was funny!
It is cold down here – they are talking 19 degrees F! New records busting old ones that have stood since the 1930s! We’re moving south!