One Man’s Story

Every now and then, things happen in the universe that are sometimes difficult to explain. Such is the case with Ed Jackel. During World War II, Jackel served as an infantryman who went to Europe shortly after the D-Day Invasion. He came home, lived an incredible life, and then wrote a book that should have been a best-seller.

We published his story 14 years ago. We developed a bond with the old soldier and enjoyed our telephone conversations over the years after his book came out. For a man in his nineties, his enthusiasm for life was easily transmitted over the telephone lines and very infectious. Every time he would call with a question about publishing or his book, after the questions were answered, we would naturally segue into conversations about life. He was a man who had a multitude of life lessons. They were very well worth the time spent listening.

His story truly merited publishing. When the book came out, I was a little surprised it did not sell as well as I believed it would. Ed’s account of his time in Europe was amazing. He joined the boys who landed in France after the beaches were secured. He, along with the survivors of the invasion, then “took a walk” that ended all the way in Germany. All through his walk, Ed considered himself lucky, hence the name of his book. Now, some nine years after his passing, his book is beginning to sell.

I truly enjoyed producing Ed’s book. It is an important testament to history because it is one man’s firsthand account of what actually happened across the face of Europe in the mid-1940s. There is no embellishment, there is no bravado, no media influence, there is no political impact, it is merely Jackel’s observations as to what really happened on his “walk.”

Ed’s story is an incredible read and I recommend it. You can find his book here.

Ed Jackel is, in a short phrase, an amazing man who lived his life to the fullest. Here is his online obituary; it is a well written eulogy that truly describes how perfectly this man lived his life after his service in the war. It is worth your time reading and you can find it here.


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