Sometimes progress is very welcome, sometimes, not. When things are modified, no matter what those “things” might be, sometimes it is good, sometimes, not so much. WordPress made some changes that made the job of writing blogs much easier for bloggers, but at the same time, created a heck of a lot of work for me. To explain, they made it easier to insert videos, but their changes required me to go back through more than 500 of my earlier blogs and update each individually.
Because the change to the new format prevented videos from playing.
So, I had to search out every blog featuring a video, check to see if it still played, and if it didn’t, I had to change it. One step forward, about three steps back. Took a while, but now it is done. If you should find a video missing or not playing correctly, please drop me a note. I would appreciate it.
Progress is usually a great thing. Look at how fast our computers are today, take a moment to watch the latest and biggest airliner fly, look how much quicker doctors can diagnose our maladies, and enjoy that cool, efficient air-conditioning that is light years ahead of what we had in the past.
Progress can also be very frustrating. It can create internal issues bordering on the same emotional level one might experience in a fit of road rage after being cut off by an idiot talking on their cell phone, eating fries and a burger, and picking their nose – all at the same time. I know you have been there.
And then, of course, there is the anger that accompanies waiting on hold for any customer “service” representative at [insert name of company here]. It is all the same… Progress can be, might be, is not useful, depending on how you look at it.
If it is helpful, I am all for progress. But please, all you engineers who think you are making life easier for everyone on the planet, please don’t make extra work for us.
And for crying out loud, don’t pick your nose in traffic!
©2018 J. Clark
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